The following is a brief overview of a project that Southern Field performed for a cement plant in Virginia. The project was performed with our alliance partner, Redecam, USA, the supplier of all the new equipment used for the project. The equipment was designed to treat the off gases from the clinker cooler due to the new, more stringent outlet dust emission requirements for the facility.
The project consisted of the conversion of an existing Florida precipitator to a pulse jet baghouse. The major parts of the project consisted of:
- New ductwork from the clinker cooler to the gas conditioning tower
- New ductwork from the tower to the heat exchanger
- New heat exchanger upstream of the new baghouse to drop the temperature down to acceptable range
- Conversion of the precipitator to a pulse jet baghouse
- New ductwork from baghouse to ID Fan
- New ID Fan
The heat exchanger and many of the large baghouse subassemblies were erected into large pieces before the outage. This pre-outage phase duration was approximately 3 months. The outage was accomplished utilizing 2 shifts around the clock for 27 days. The unit was started up, met all performance guarantees, and is performing well.
Pre-Outage Phase:
Heat exchanger modules being removed from shipping containers (pictured below).
Structural steel supports for heat exchanger (pictured below).
New clinker cooler ductwork (pictured below).
New heat exchanger supports being erected (pictured below).
New access for project (pictured below).
Outage Phase:
Pictured below are internal components being removed from the existing precipitator during the outage.
The new baghouse components installed into the existing precipitator (pictured below).